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#Ministry News #World

Church of Scotland approves same-sex marriage

Attack on God’s design of family

The so-called progressive church, the deep-church, is at it again! Church of Scotland ministers are now permitted to perform same-sex marriages if they choose to.

The church’s General Assembly approved an overture that allows parish ministers and deacons to apply for authorization to marry same-sex couples. It passed on Monday by a 274-136 vote. The church is now preparing new suggested liturgy to bless same-sex marriages as well as guidance for the change in their church law.

They join numerous mainline U.S. denominations in their denouncement of biblical teaching including the Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, each of which bless gay marriages, against the express commands of the Scriptures.

Why are these denominations ignoring the historic records of church antiquity, a history in which the concept of same-sex marriage has never been conceived, let alone affirmed? In their case, the answer is that human empathy for unnatural feelings has overridden scripture and natural law.

Empathy and compassion are necessary sometimes when ministering the Gospel. But woe to church leaders who believe themselves to be more tolerant and loving than the God who gave His command on the same subject of human sexuality. In fact, some of the members of the church of Scotland see this development for what it is. A conformity to the world standards – which is the opposite of what the word of God says to do.

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