When the Church prays, rest assured the enemies’ plans gets frustrated and are thwarted; In 2022 the world was in coarse, in frustration and mayhem as a plandemic paralysed people with fear for a second, deceit seemed to be reigning until God spoke through his prophet, the man of God Rev Dr. Chris Oyakhilome.
He stood alone, opposing what no man in the entire world opposed, he stood alone, unafraid with boldness that seemed to mock deep state to the core. The Lord gave him the ears of people all over the world, from there people’s eyes were opened to the deceit that seemed prevalent at the time, then suddenly the plans of the deep state were resisted from everywhere.
Scientists, Politicians, Medical Doctors, Priests all started speaking out and the Church continues to pray in one mind against the anti-Christ and the results are phenomenal because God is faithful and has faithful children who hear the voice of the shepherded and will not heed to any other voice.
In the phenomenal rising forceful opposition against the deep state; Politicians are boldly out. For several months, the Dutch party Forum for Democracy has made English-language videos about the most critical topics threatening our world. In their latest video, politician Simone Kerseboom takes on the World Health Organization (W.H.O), saying “The W.H.O is engineering the Great Reset.”