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Assault on food sovereignty with toxic “Pharma Food”

Assault on Food Sovereignty

The exchange of traditional meat and dairy products with lab-grown replacements is increasingly being framed as a crucial aspect of addressing climate change.

In an interview, Dutch investigative journalist Elze van Hamelen explores this topic in depth. Biotech on Your Plate: the Next Chapter in Big Money’s Battle to End Food Sovereignty.” Van Hamelen places this shift in the larger context of what is described as “The Great Poisoning”, a widespread exposure to potentially harmful substances in our food, medicine, environment, and even electromagnetic fields (EMF).

She critically examines the trend towards “pharma food,” often marketed as a sustainable, ethical, and healthy choice compared to traditional food sources.

However, the journalist raises concerns about the use of pharmaceutical and transhumanist biotechnologies in the production of these lab-grown foods, highlighting the potential toxicity and unknown long-term health effects.

Assault on food sovereignty with toxic “Pharma Food”

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