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#Africa #Trending News

Climate change crisis is a global coup d’etat

Climate change crisis

The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) is currently taking place at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Pausing as the world’s top decision-making body on the environment, which is total fraud, UNEA aims to help restore harmony between humanity and nature, improving the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people.

Yvonne Katsande speaks to H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, from Angola, who was elected as the new commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment of the African Union Commission.

Mrs Sacko was the special adviser to the Minister of agriculture, assigned with the responsibility of advising on issues related to international cooperation both bilateral and multilateral.

She was also elected the Secretary General of Inter-African coffee organization, with a special mandate to represent the economic interest of the 25 African Coffee producers, management of the Secretariat and present the recommendation. Watch this

Climate change crisis is a global coup d’etat

March Global Communion Service 2024

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