Ukraine’s SBU security service has apprehended two operatives from Russia’s intelligence agency, accused of divulging sensitive military locations to enemy forces. Since the invasion by Moscow in February 2022, Kyiv has intensified its crackdown on individuals suspected of collaborating with Russia, initiating thousands of criminal investigations.
In a statement, the SBU disclosed the outcome of a targeted operation resulting in the arrest of two agents affiliated with the Kremlin’s FSB security service in Kyiv and Odesa. These individuals allegedly attempted to identify the positions of Ukrainian troops and subsequently transmitted the corresponding coordinates to facilitate air attacks by occupying forces.
During the final phase of the operation, both suspects were caught red-handed while conducting surveillance on potential targets for the invaders. Additionally, one of the detainees was observed photographing a thermal power station, ostensibly aiding Russia in targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure.
Charged with collaboration, the individuals are facing potential life sentences. The United Nations reported that since the onset of the conflict, Ukraine has initiated over 6,600 criminal cases against individuals suspected of collaboration and other conflict-related offenses.