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The War Against COVID Deception: COVID-19 Media Lies Unravelling

The War Against COVID Deception: COVID-19 Media Lies Unravelling

One of the notable markers of the fact that we really are in the post-covid era is the great extent to which the covid deception that was peddled at that time is unravelling. Today, individuals have began to question the logic behind a number of the policies that were enacted and are realizing how ridiculous and inconsistent the logic was.

Individuals and organization are also taking the propagators of the covid debacle to court, court cases have emerged to challenge the laws that were enacted in an effort to create precedent against similar so-called emergency powers being assumed by respective governments in the future, much like we saw with the Murthy v. Missouri (formerly known as the Missouri v. Biden) case. But, among all of this which is taking place, one of the essential developments are the concessions that are coming from the propagators of the covid debacle themselves.


For the longest time these individuals lied to the world and had the media echo their lies, while adding some of their own. But today, when scientists, doctors, virologists, politicians and members of society have gotten bolder, even they cannot sustain the lies anymore, and once again, truth vindicates those who stand for it. And so today, let’s continue with the war against covid deception, looking at the covid lies that are unravelling – especially those echoed and carried by the media.


The War Against COVID Deception: COVID-19 Media Lies Unravelling

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The War Against COVID Deception: COVID-19 Media Lies Unravelling

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