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The Dangerous Intersection Between Climate Alarmism and Defence

The Dangerous Intersection Between Climate Alarmism and Defence

If leaders are not careful, their pursuit of ridiculous and costly climate change policies and boondoggles will hamstring its functionality – even the functionality of departments that are instrumental to the protection of the wellbeing of its citizens and sovereign land. And yet, the climate change hoax is being pushed by different departments of government, including more concerningly, the departments dealing with the defence of a nation.

Now, the prevailing narrative from the proponents of the climate change hoax is that it is necessary and plausible for defence departments to be involved because there’s an expectation that all government departments must play their part. This is an argument made in ignorance (or intentional denial) of the truth that climate change is a hoax, and also the actual cost that many will pay as a result of this focus. In addition, the US State Department on Tuesday announced that it is lifting a longtime ban on giving weapons and training to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade – a group notorious for its nazi ideology! What this reveals is the continued moral erosion in the American government, especially with respect to Ukraine.


So, the McKinsey Report details the enormous costs and disruption to society to attain net zero and concedes there is only an even chance of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, and it is far from certain whether the world will be able to keep the temperature increase to that level. The transition will require a fundamental change to the world’s economy, costing an estimated $6 trillion per year for the next 30 years. This translates to $11,000 per year for every American until 2050 for a result that cannot be ensured. But, most of the cost will come from the Third World, where one-third to one-half of the gross domestic product will be required to achieve net zero but at a further cost of killing millions and plunging more millions into extreme poverty and starvation. Furthermore, the hasty evolution to net zero comes at a prohibitive price, and its adherents concoct doomsday scenarios that demand and ennoble mass sacrifice. Depicting a world in complete environmental collapse due to the effects of fossil fuels promotes a theme intended to instil panic. The DOD embellishes adverse weather-related and environmental events but fails to place them in context or provide contrary interpretations. The extent and history of glacial retreat, sea level rise, desertification, forest fires, heat waves, death due to heat as opposed to cold, hurricanes, and tornados are exaggerated and depicted in emotional terms to legitimise drastic action.

In addition to these dire costs of the climate change hoax, have a listen as former US government insider, Marc Morano, summarises how unelected globalists are using the “human-induced climate change” hoax as a pretext to deliberately collapse the food supply, so people will have no choice but to eat insects and lab-grown “meat”.

The Dangerous Intersection Between Climate Alarmism and Defence

Coalition Nation | 24 Hours to go

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