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The Food shortage agenda on Worldview

The Food shortage agenda

According to the WFP the world faces a global hunger crisis of unprecedented proportions. They state that in just two years, the number of people facing, or at risk of, acute food insecurity increased from 135 million in 53 countries pre-pandemic, to 345 million in 79 countries in 2023.

A report states that nearly half of South Africa’s population will be food insecure, with 48.96% of the population potentially not having enough to eat. The report also states that Provincially, Limpopo will suffer the worst food insecurity with 54% of the population not sure about where their next meal will come from. In the Western Cape 41% and Gauteng 47%.

Watch this interview by Yvonne Katsande in conversation with Rutendo Matinyarare, a renowned Zimbabwean anti-sanctions activist who is the Chairperson of Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Movement (ZASM) and founder of Zimbabweans Unite Against US War Sanctions (ZUAUWS).

The Food shortage agenda on Worldview

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