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#World News

Putin Elevates Russia-North Korea Ties, Pledges Mutual Defense in Case of Attack

Russia-North Korea Ties

Vladimir Putin Elevates Russia-North Korea Ties to “New Level” with Mutual Defense Pact

During a rare visit to North Korea, Vladimir Putin announced a significant enhancement in bilateral relations, describing it as a “breakthrough” partnership. Thousands of North Koreans warmly welcomed Putin, lining the streets with flags and flowers, marking his first visit to the reclusive state in 24 years.

The leaders signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, replacing previous deals dating back to 1961, 2000, and 2001. Putin emphasized the pact’s scope, including political, trade, investment, cultural, and security spheres, highlighting mutual assistance in case of aggression against either nation.

Putin criticized joint military drills involving the US, South Korea, and Japan as hostile actions towards North Korea, contrasting them with the cooperative nature of the new alliance. Kim Jong-un hailed the partnership as a watershed moment in bilateral relations.

However, the alliance raised questions about potential joint military activities and whether Russia’s nuclear deterrent now extends to North Korea, or vice versa.

The visit featured elaborate ceremonies, including a welcome event at Kim Il Sung Square, where both leaders stood together amidst military displays and enthusiastic crowds. The day concluded with Kim escorting Putin to his plane, underscoring the significance of the relationship and Putin’s influence in global affairs.

This visit also served as a reminder of Russia’s enduring role amid global tensions, despite its involvement in Ukraine. The partnership holds strategic importance for Russia, despite international concerns over alleged arms transfers from North Korea to support Russia’s activities in Ukraine, a claim both countries deny.Russia-North Korea Ties

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