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Kenya Tax Protests: President Urged to Reconsider Finance Bill

Kenya tax bill protest

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko has called on President William Ruto to reconsider signing the controversial Finance Bill 2024, which has sparked significant outcry among Kenyans. In a statement on his social media platforms, Sonko urged President Ruto to return the bill to parliament, emphasizing the importance of listening to the views of Kenyans who oppose it.

“If your heart is with the people of Kenya, Your Excellency, send the Finance bill back to the sender,” Sonko urged.

Sonko also highlighted the diverse demographics of recent demonstrations across the country, noting that even children from affluent families participated. He underscored the significance of this participation as a clear indication that current issues resonate deeply across all segments of society.

“The sons of prominent people, including my own son in Kwale County, and Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit’s son, among others, joined the protests. This should signal that business cannot continue as usual,” Sonko remarked.

Earlier, Sonko had advised the government to engage with the public before presenting the bill, and had called for a peaceful resolution to ongoing demolitions in Nairobi. He criticized certain provisions within the bill that he believed did not align with the interests of Kenyans.

The demonstrations on Tuesday against the Finance Bill 2024 escalated into chaotic incidents, including protesters breaching security at Parliament and reports of fatalities. Despite the traditionally heavy security around Parliament, demonstrators managed to access the premises, marking an unprecedented event in Kenya’s history.

Parliament had previously been a highly secured area, guarded extensively due to its status as a gazetted institution. The passage of the Finance Bill by a vote of 195 to 106 in Parliament has paved the way for President Ruto to potentially sign it into law.

The events surrounding the Finance Bill 2024 continue to unfold amid widespread public debate and political tensions in Kenya.

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