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#Ministry News #World

Christian employers can’t be forced to cover trans surgery

Christian employers

When Governor Doug Burgum signed a bill last year in North Dakota banning most transgender medical procedures for children, adults were still left with the option to receive the treatment.

That law has been challenged repeatedly and it’s still bouncing around in the courts. But just because adults are exempted, that doesn’t mean that their employers are required to offer health insurance coverage for such procedures.

The idea that such coverage must be offered was challenged in court and on Monday a U.S. District Court judge ruled that Christian employers cannot be forced to do so based on their First Amendment right to religious freedom.

The Bible makes it clear repeatedly starting in the Book of Genesis that God created people in two genders, male and female. Peter Benjamin, a Christian man living with transgender says he regrets doing the procedure & is calling for more caution from the irreversible medical and mental health services.

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