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#Breaking News #South Africa

South Africa’s Jacob Zuma wins court bid to contest upcoming election

South Africa’s Jacob Zuma wins court bid to contest upcoming election

A South African court has ruled that former President Jacob Zuma can run for office in the country’s upcoming general election, overturning an earlier decision that had barred him from contesting the polls.

The Electoral Court decision on Tuesday paves the way for Zuma to run for president on behalf of the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK), a political organisation that he joined last year after denouncing the governing African National Congress party that he once led.

The electoral commission had earlier ruled that Zuma could not run for office due to his criminal record after it received an objection to his candidacy.

“The decision of the Electoral Commission … is set aside,” the court wrote in its ruling.

South Africa is to hold a general election on May 29 in what is expected to be the most competitive vote since the advent of democracy in 1994.


South Africa’s Jacob Zuma wins court bid to contest upcoming election

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